The truth about the visa application
How to choose a suitable Au Pair as a Host Family
What is the best Au Pair agency?
Au Pair online – is it possible?
Semana Santa in Spain: Typical Desserts for Easter
Semana Santa (Easter) in Spain is one of the most well-known festivities in the world! Why? Most of all: due to the famous processions. A procession is a group of people walking in the same direction solemnly as part of a religious ceremony. In Spain, the costaleros carry figures of Jesus or Maria through the […]
Enjoy The Easter Holidays: Cheap Ways To Travel Europe
Easter Holidays are getting closer and many of you are probably thinking about spending them somewhere in Europe (and far away from the kids). You would like to go somewhere with other Au Pairs and friends that you made during the year, but you are also afraid you won’t have enough money to enjoy the […]
Is the Au Pair stay useful for your resume?
Some of you have probably wondered if it is actually useful for the future to work as an Au Pair, especially in those cases where people want to stay for 6 months or longer. Becoming an Au Pair means for many to start the university later or even skip it for one year. Obviously, this […]
8 Amazing Au Pair Destinations
There are many exciting countries that are worth a visit, so many au pairs have difficulties choosing the right host country. First let us say, that you can’t go to one country as an au pair only but to more than one, which gives you the opportunity to not only improve your knowledge of one […]
“What’s The Word Again?” – When You Start To Forget Your Native Language
While I was an au pair in the USA I spoke English most of the time, except when I met other au pairs from my home country Germany. Back with my family I had to get used to speaking German again. Sometimes I said whole sentences in English without even noticing it. When my mum […]
7 Things Au Pairs Will Miss Sooner Or Later
Becoming an au pair has many advantages and there will be something new everyday. But besides meeting new people, exploring places and getting to know the host family at some point there will be things that an au pair will miss. Food of the home country via GIPHY Yes, the host country has soooo much […]