– 24 facts about us

Here we are again! We have a new design and new topics. We will tell you everything that you need to know about the general Au Pair program. But we will also talk about other exciting topics, travel tips and many more exciting stories.

We know that Au Pairs do not just become Au Pairs, because they love kids so much. You want to see the world, meet new people and make new friends.

So here they are: 24 facts about us and our blog

  1. We have all been Au Pairs before and that’s why we know exactly which topics are interesting for you.
  2. We are sitting in a comfortable office in Cologne-Ehrenfeld.
  3. Just like every other Au Pair we love coffee and tea. Hello? How do you think to stay awake in the morning to get the kids ready?
  4. Our blog is about topics that are important to you…
  5. …even topics that you don’t want to think about sometimes…
  6. What happens e.g. when you fall in love during your au pair stay?
  7. Finally a weekend off? We will tell you what to do and where to go.
  8. We listen to you! So let us know, what you want us to talk about.
  9. We speak many languages and that’s why our blog exits in German, Spanish and Russian…. for now.
  10. Traveling is amazing! That’s why we take you with us when we go on vacation and tell you all about our trips.
  11. We are about your age. Well, maybe a bit older. But that’s why we can understand you so well!
  12. We listen to our favorite music while we work. So great to concentrate!
  13. Oh, music…we will surely write about some festivals in your host country too.
  14. All in all you will find many tips on what to do in your free time.
  15. But you also have to work. If you need any ideas on what to do with your host children we will have great ideas on crafts, games and activities.
  16. Cooking? Yes, as an Au Pair you also have to cook. We have some great recipe ideas from time to time. Your host kids will love them!
  17. We will upload 1-2 new articles a week.
  18. We have Facebook!
  19. And Instagram!
  20. Oh, yes. And Twitter!
  21. And we are also on Pinterest!
  22. Ok wait a second….we just need another coffee!
  23. We really do hope that you like our new blog!
  24. Oh and men are as welcome on our website as women! We know you guys have a hard time to find a family sometimes. But you will find a lot of tips!

Ok Wanderlust people, enjoy our blog!

This post is also available in: German

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