Au Pair in the USA!

APcom and Agent AuPair Logo has partnered with Agent AuPair, a US Government designated agency based in San Francisco, California.   Now we are able to place au pairs in America!

Being an au pair is one of the best ways to experience the USA!  Au Pairs live as a member of an American family for one year and perform child care duties for up 45 hours per week and not more than 10 hours per day.

To qualify, candidates must be between 18 to 26 years of age, have a minimum of 200 hours of child care experience, speak English well, driving experience is a plus and US families prefer au pairs that do not smoke. Benefits include:

  • Placement with a screened American host family with a private room and meals
  • Receive local support and participate in group meetings with other au pairs
  • Receive a legal J-1 Cultural Exchange Visitor Visa from Agent AuPair, a US Government designated sponsor
  • Receive transportation to the U.S. and to your host family’s home
  • Attend a 2 day orientation in San Francisco before you are placed with your host family, which includes hotel accommodation in the city center
  • Receive one free weekend off each month, 1 ½ days off each week and two weeks’ vacation with pay
  • Receive $195.75 USD each week and excellent emergency medical insurance
  • Receive up to $500 for education classes

Get more information on our program

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