Au Pair News – September 2015

Autumn is here. Yay! Grab a tea and read our news of this month

    • Au Pair in the USA!
    • Agency Profile – Aupair First
    • Become an Au Pair in China
    • Avoid problems during the au pair Stay
    • Ways to make new friends as an au pair

Au Pair in the USA!

Interested in being an au pair in the USA? has partnered with Agent AuPair, which is a US Government designated agency based in San Francisco.   Being an au pair is one of the best ways to experience the USA!  Au Pairs live as a member of an American family for one year and take care of the children for up 45 hours per week and not more than 10 hours per day.To qualify candidates must be between 18 to 26 years old, have a minimum of 200 hours of child care experience and have some good knowledge of the English language.

Get all the information here

Au Pair Agency Profile – Aupair First

We are pleased to introduce a new agency profile: Aupair First, which is based in Barcelona, Spain.  The agency recruits au pairs from Spain and places them in the USA, United Kingdom and Ireland.

Aupair First’s CEO is Susana Álvarez. We interviewed her recently for this article.

If you are from Spain and would like to become an au pair in America, the United Kingdom or Ireland, you can read the complete interview here

Be an Au Pair in China

Our partner GeoVisions offers an excellent program in China.

As an Au Pair in China, you will be placed with a Chinese family who is interested in giving their children not only an education in learning English, but also direct cultural exchange.  You will also have the opportunity to meet the family online before your depaGeoVisions - AuPair in Chinarture to help you to decide on your placement and be sure that you want to become the part of this family.

You will be expected to spend less than 30 hours per week as an Au Pair: Taking care of the children, escorting them to school, playing and teaching them and then around 3-4 hours each week tutoring the children in English.

The Program Fee is only $149 no matter which program length you choose and au pairs can go for 3, 6, 9 or 12 months.  Please note, au pairs will have to pay for their flight to China.

Click to learn more

Avoid Problems during your Au Pair Stay

Congratulations, you finally found your perfect host family! Visa, insurance, flight – everytCinzia Di Miceli 2 - komprimierthing is set. But as you finally arrive, you and your host family have to realize that conflicts and problems appear and everyday life isn’t as easygoing as you have thought.

What can you do now?

Learn how to avoid problems

Ways to make new friends as an Au Pair

Moving to a new country can be tough. Especially if you don’t speak the language too well. But there are many ways how you can get to know people and make new friends. Let Roisin Grace tell you, how it might work.

Read More!


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