Au Pair News – October 2016

Au Pair News – October 2016

Happy October, dear au pairs! This is up this month:

  • Au Pair program in France, Italy, New Zealand and More!
  • Top 5 Reason to be an Au Pair in France
  • Au Pair Visa
  • What To Bring

Au Pair In…

Willian Jatoba komprimiertBecoming an au pair is more than just work, it is becoming part of another family, learning the culture and sharing yours! It is not only an experience that will impact your life, but the lives of the children you take care of. One of the most popular locations right now is France! Find out more about the program in the country of croissants and baguettes.

Learn More

Top 5 Reasons to Au Pair

Being an au pair is a great way to really immerse yourself in a culture. For some it is the only way to really get that experience. Former au pair Kelsi has summed up perfectly why being an au pair is unlike any other cultural experience.

 Top 5 Reasons to Au Pair

Au Pair Visa – Do I Need One?

image015When you prepare to start your program, things may get confusing and the last thing you want is to find out you forgot something or needed a visa. Click below to get more information on visa requirements in different countries.

Visa Information

What to bring

You are getting ready to pack your bags but you don’t know what to take with you?  Don’t worry, we have a list of what to take with you prepared.

Packing List

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