Let us introduce ourselves

AuPair.net is the platform where future, current and former au pairs can meet! Our main interest is to help you to get the best from your au pair experience that’s why we talk about topics and things that are interesting for you.

We’re as curious as you are about questions like where to go to when you are in a foreign country, how to get around with a low budget, and how to get along with new family. We will provide you with travel tips and share stories about you and girls and boys just like you.

All of us behind AuPair.net have been au pairs once, too. We know exactly what you want to know, and we know that your life as au pair is not only about child care. You want to go out, meet people, see the country. You want to know what happens where, what’s the most awesome part of town.

So we will create the most useful and interesting articles for you to find out the answers. If you have an idea of what you want us to write about, comment below and let us know. If you know a special story that could be interesting for other participants let us know! 

We are based in the beautiful city of Cologne in Germany. Cologne is a very open-minded city with outgoing people from all around the world. Every day, you hear different languages on the train and on the street. You can go to international meetings to improve a language and get to know new cultures. This is something interesting for all the au pairs around our home town, too, because maybe they miss their country, their friends, and these meetings are a great opportunity to make new friends. 

We are travellers, too. We travel whenever we find the time, and we will share our experiences of discovering certain parts of the world. If you ever feel like telling us about your home country or the country you are or have been as an au pair, feel free to contact us!

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