Dual Citizenship as an Au Pair
Can I become an Au Pair with a dual citizenship? Also with a dual citizenship it is possible to become an Au Pair in a country, if you do not have a permanent address there. More and more young people with dual citizenship would like to stay in the country of their second citizenship as […]
Problems occur – how to avoid them
Days as an au pair can be tough and sometimes there are problems that occur and you just don’t know what you can do to avoid or solve them. Especially when different personalities meet they have to get to know each other first. In the first weeks it might be hard to tell how the […]
Solving probems – how to find peace!
Even if you think that you found the perfect match with your Au Pair/host family it is totally normal that problems come up during the time of the stay. But those shouldn´t overshadow the Au Pair time! If you need help solving problems, you should read through these problems and solutions if conflicts and disagreements […]
Au Pair USA – don’t be illegal, get a J-1 visa!
As reported by the Berliner Zeitung, an au pair from Germany was refused entry to the US. The 19-year old wanted to visit her relatives and take a vacation in the United States for 4 months. The problem: The young lady messaged her second cousin via Facebook and mentioned, that she could look after the kids and […]
Should I visit a language school?
So there you are. In a foreign country, friends and family at home and some free time that you need to find some use for now. You can spend it at the gym, the mall or a café. But what about taking a really great language course or any other course that might be interesting […]
Au Pair Letter – Make a good impression
A guide to write the letter to your Host Family Here, we provide useful tips for writing the letter to your host family and the 5 most important do’s and don’t’s of your letter. The letter to your host family constitutes an important part of your au pair application. It is what host families are […]
Departure and Flights – Useful Tips or Au Pairs
On this site, you find information on what you need to consider before your departure, flight and travel. We have a summary of the most important points you should keep in mind, including questions about when to book the flight ticket, what you need to do prior to your departure, who pays for the travel […]
Au Pair gifts for the Host Family
Many au pairs worry about the gift for their host family. Here, you find tips and a list with ideas for the gift for your host family. What to keep in mind about the gift for your host family Ideas for the gift for your host family Ideas for the gift for the host […]
Things you need and don’t need to pack
On this site, au pairs can find a packing list with the most important things you should take with you as well as tips about what to pack. But first of all, make sure you have read our travel safety tips. We also have the 5 “must-pack” items for you as well as a list with […]
Au Pair Interview with the host family
Get to know your host family before your departure. Here, you find information on the telephone interview and the most important questions you should ask. You should get to know your host family as best as you can during the application and placement process to avoid any disappointments. The best way of getting to know […]