Author: Raphael

Let us introduce ourselves is the platform where future, current and former au pairs can meet! Our main interest is to help you to get the best from your au pair experience that’s why we talk about topics and things that are interesting for you. We’re as curious as you are about questions like where to go to […]

Scams – Account Validation – Phishing E-Mail

What is phishing? Phishing is one of the most common attempts to acquire confidential information, such as usernames, passwords or email addresses. This way scammers try to access your account, previously stealing your login details through a so called “phishing site”. How does it work? Scammers contact you as a  charming Host Family through au pair […]

Au Pair Agencies vs. Au Pair Matching Platforms

Many au pair agencies advertise on the internet with positive reviews and glossy brochures. It is important to make comparisons and to see who is actually behind them. Basically we have two types of agencies: Full-Service and matching agencies. Matching agencies… …offer a great selection of au pairs and host families. You can register for free and […]

What is a Summer Au Pair?

The summer holidays are often long and in many countries there are just not enough vacation days granted by the employer so the parents need an additional child care during the summer months because child care facilities are often closed. A summer au pair as a helping hand is a great choice and for the participant a […]

The Best Tips For Host Families

If you have decided to host an Au Pair, you  have definitely made a wonderful decisision! By hosting an Au Pair you will participate in a cultural exchange program that will bring you unforgettable moments. You will be soon recommending this amazing experience to all of your friends. Although some families seem to be a bit sceptical about it […]

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