Category: For Families

Au Pair Platforms vs. Facebook – A Security Matter

Facebook connects people from all around the world. We can add friends and meet new friends, we can join groups and create a page about our lives, blogs, projects or bands. Social Media platforms give us the chance to connect us with people that are like us, that are looking for the same or have […]

The Best Tips For Host Families

If you have decided to host an Au Pair, you  have definitely made a wonderful decisision! By hosting an Au Pair you will participate in a cultural exchange program that will bring you unforgettable moments. You will be soon recommending this amazing experience to all of your friends. Although some families seem to be a bit sceptical about it […]

Duties of a host family

Au Pairs get the impression that they are the only ones who need to fulfill requirements and have duties during an au pair stay. You can relax! This is not the case. Host Families can only host someone if they fulfill expectations. They also have to take care of important responsibilities to make sure their […]

Who can become a host family?

Host families have to meet certain requirements, to be able to welcome an au pair. They need to have at least one child under the age of 16 years They need to provide food and a room for the au pair They should be able to pay pocket money The au pair should be able to take a […]

What is a host family?

Host family is a family that invites an au pair to stay with them. They let au pair to take care of children, and the au pair gets free accommodation, full board and pocket money in exchange. Host family needs to fulfil certain requirements to get a chance to invite an au pair from a […]

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