Category: Au Pair Life

Semana Santa in Spain: Typical Desserts for Easter

Semana Santa (Easter) in Spain is one of the most well-known festivities in the world! Why? Most of all: due to the famous processions. A procession is a group of people walking in the same direction solemnly as part of a religious ceremony. In Spain, the costaleros carry figures of Jesus or Maria through the […]

7 Things Au Pairs Will Miss Sooner Or Later

Becoming an au pair has many advantages and there will be something new everyday. But besides meeting new people, exploring places and getting to know the host family at some point there will be things that an au pair will miss. Food of the home country via GIPHY Yes, the host country has soooo much […]

20 Things Only An Au Pair Can Understand

There are many things that only true au pairs can understand and your friends in your home country would probably just wonder, what the fudge you’re talking about. Searching some peace and quiet only for a second while you are watching the kids, so you pretend that you have to use the bathroom and take […]

Healthy Through The Winter With Smoothies

The winter is the time of running noses, coughing people on the train andd sore throats. So now it’s the time to take care of your health. For a big shot of vitamines you can try having smoothies every morning or maybe for lunch. We have collected the yummiest smoothie recipes for you. Stay healthy […]

Heartbroken – Ways Out Of The Pain

It’s over. You thought you had met the one but now it seems like “the one” is not the same opinion and doesn’t want you two to be together. There can be many reasons for a break up and although the situation is never easy for any of those two it is way harder for […]

Carve your scariest Pumpkin!

It’s pumpkin time and all the au pairs around the world have to keep the kiddos busy while it’s rainy and stormy outside. So let’s buy some pumpkins and carving knives and cut scary, funny, spooky or cute faces in them.  Think of the perfect face you want to give a pumpkin and take a […]

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