“What’s The Word Again?” – When You Start To Forget Your Native Language
While I was an au pair in the USA I spoke English most of the time, except when I met other au pairs from my home country Germany. Back with my family I had to get used to speaking German again. Sometimes I said whole sentences in English without even noticing it. When my mum […]
Benefits Of Living Abroad As An Au Pair
Living abroad is one of the most rewarding experiences. It is a way to discover and test the real you in a new environment, being surrounded by people who haven’t formed an opinion about you yet. Au pair experience helps you gain a new family in a different country. On the broader scale, living in […]
Murder Of An Au Pair – How Dangerous Is The Life Of An Au Pair?
Shocking news went around the world recently. A french au pair was found dead in London. Au Pairs in Facebook groups and communities have been worried. What if something like that happens to them? But is that fear reasonable? The murder case On a Wednesday at the end of September Sophie Lionnet, a 21 year […]
Experiences of a Boy – Being a Male Au Pair
by Mona Briese We talked to Timo, a male au pair and he explained why it is so hard to become an au pair as a boy and where he found support. Timo, is a nice 19 year old guy, full of energy and the will to explore the world. After he finished school he […]
Video Contest: Participate now!
Where do you live? What do you like about it? Introduce us to your life abroad! Record a video for us! If you are lucky, you may also win 100 €! Who can participate? All au pairs and nannies that are staying with a host family in another country and that are willing to show us […]
Being an Au Pair in Germany- Area’s Experience
When I first thought about becoming an Au Pair, I didn’t think about it the way I do now. I wanted to improve my German skills and get to see the world and live abroad without spending a huge amount of money. I had just graduated and I wasn’t ready to start working with a […]
Reflections on being an Au Pair – an experience
by Gitte Carstensen Summer 2015 will be my 10-year anniversary of finishing my year as an au pair in america. Life has been great since, but my time as an Au Pair is definitely still one of best years of my life. The au pair experience continues to play an important role today: my host family […]
Au Pair Experiences 2014
Au Pairs from all around the world make different experiences on a daily basis. For candidates that still about whether they want to become part of the program or not those experiences can be helpful in making a decision. Nastasia “Hi Au Pair.com! Pretty nice christmas holiday but it’s nothing if I compare it to […]