Category: Scam Examples

Scam – Money transfer for Au Pair visa

Some au pairs received an email from a scam host family, who asked to transfer money for the au pair visa to proof the financial situation of the applicant. They offered to assist the au pair with the visa application and sent them a fraud email from the UK government regarding the visa process, which looked very official. […]

Scams – Account Validation – Phishing E-Mail

What is phishing? Phishing is one of the most common attempts to acquire confidential information, such as usernames, passwords or email addresses. This way scammers try to access your account, previously stealing your login details through a so called “phishing site”. How does it work? Scammers contact you as a  charming Host Family through au pair […]

Fake Host Family – Anita McKay

We have recently found a scam under the name of Anita McKay which apparently lives in New York but about to move to the UK and has been contacting au pairs on for a long time through her personal email address so that we won’t get to find it and block her profile. The host […]

Scammers – how to identify and avoid them

Beware of Au Pair scams and other frauds Sometimes there are profiles on the internet that seem to be absolutely trustworthy and nice. There is this perfect au pair with so much experience and her pictures of her with the kids she took care of are just so cute. Oh, and look at this supersweet […]

Scam and Fraud of au pairs and host families

Sometimes there are scam and fraud attempts on platforms like Following you will find emails that have been sent and that are clearly from scammers. This is a letter from a scam/fraud profile: Scam Email address: “Thanks so much for your interest in our family! We are a busy family consisting of mom (Becky), […]

Scam – British au pair girl

This is an email which was sent by an Au Pair scammer: From: Jean Addison < To: Subject: Re: New mail from aupair Jean Dear Family, Thanks for the mail,Hope all is well with you and the family.I have read and understood what is expected of an au pair in your family, Everything is […]

Scammers use the name of existing au pair agency

This is an email from a scammer who is using the name of a real Au Pair Agency: Recently we have learned that there are people pretending to be with InterExchange in an attempt to scam au pair candidates and get money from them. These scam operators are using the InterExchange name and fake host family information to seem like […]

Cameroon scam

We have been spammed by a couple of “au pairs”. Arin Bronwen ( and Belly Morg ( are sending emails that match the description on a scammers website that say they are currently working in orphanages in Cameroon but that they are from the UK. Their credentials are excellent and they seem to be great […]

Au Pair scam via SMS

Here you can find some letters from a fraud scam who contact Au Pairs via SMS: Au Pair Scam Contact: Gene Schwarzenegger GENESCHWARZ@OUTLOOK.COM tel:+447903536066 tel:18152169004 City : Southampton State : Hampshire, England Street Address Lodge Road Postal Code SO31 6RG Primary Telephone Number +1 918 962 0415 Secondary Telephone Number +44 20 8144 3974 Email […]

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