Enjoy The Easter Holidays: Cheap Ways To Travel Europe
Easter Holidays are getting closer and many of you are probably thinking about spending them somewhere in Europe (and far away from the kids). You would like to go somewhere with other Au Pairs and friends that you made during the year, but you are also afraid you won’t have enough money to enjoy the […]
8 Amazing Au Pair Destinations
There are many exciting countries that are worth a visit, so many au pairs have difficulties choosing the right host country. First let us say, that you can’t go to one country as an au pair only but to more than one, which gives you the opportunity to not only improve your knowledge of one […]
Benefits Of Living Abroad As An Au Pair
Living abroad is one of the most rewarding experiences. It is a way to discover and test the real you in a new environment, being surrounded by people who haven’t formed an opinion about you yet. Au pair experience helps you gain a new family in a different country. On the broader scale, living in […]
An Au Pair In Scotland – Hiking The West Highland Way On A Budget
Sometimes we want to go out in nature. We want to breath, have some peace and quiet and concentrate on the important things. Combined with movement in fresh air we can find ourselves and can relax. Breath easy Hiking gives us relief. Surrounded by trees and fields we walk 10, 15, 20 miles a day. […]
A Weekend Of Art And Music In London
Au Pairs travel on a budget. All the time. Of course they have their pocket money and can save some of it to afford a trip to another city, but since there are also other occasions to spend the money on, it is not possible to make a trip without thinking about the wallet. London […]