Au Pair in China – A modern country with an ancient culture

Au Pair in China belongs to the newest au pair programs and more and more people are willing to experience their Au Pair adventure with a Chinese host family in order to discover a new culture and improve their language skills in a very natural way.

Au Pair in China – At a Glance

  • Age: 18-29
  • Working hours: 25-35/week
  • Pocket money: 750-2000 RMB
  • Travel expenses: covered by the host family up to 5000 RMB
  • Insurance: International Insurance needed
  • Visa requirements: the au pair will be applying for a visa at the home country’s embassy

Can I become an Au Pair in China?

If you would like to become an au pair in China, there are some requirements you should not forget about:

  • Age: 18 – 29 years
  • healthy, non-smoker
  • knowledge of Chinese or English
  • You have the financial means to cover living expenses for two weeks and to return home
  • experience in childcare

What are my duties as an Au Pair?

To become an au pair in China you can either apply for a student visa (F Visa) or get a Exchange Visitor Visa (X Visa). It is important for you to be able to visit a language course and have enough time for yourself. This is often really easy to get since most Chinese host familes do not have more than one child.

Many host families will require you to teach their children your native language while the parents will help you to improve your Chinese skills. Do not forget to go through every single point of the contract and make sure you both agree on the terms of the contract.

Which kind of visa should I apply for?

You can apply for a F- Visa to visit China for:

  • A cultural exchange
  • A language course
  • A business trip
  • A visitor stay

This F-Visa will be valid for a 6-month period

The X-Visa will be issued for the following purposes:

  • Studies
  • Intership
  • Courses

In order to participate in the au pair program, make sure you will inform yourself at the Chinese embassy placed in your residence country in order to find out what are the requirements you need to fulfill and the documents you will have to bring for your visa to be issued.

How much pocket money will I get?

Depending on your host family, the pocket money amount will vary but you can count on a monthly amount of 750 and 2000 RMB.

What about my insurance?

Don’t forget to make clear all the terms of the contract with your host family in order to avoid missunderstandings. You will need a health, accident and liability insurance and it is important for both parties to discuss who will be responsible for its costs. Some host families offer to pay for their au pair’s insurance but we recommend you to close an international insurance instead a local one to make sure you will be entitled to medical care also in international hospitals.


This post is also available in: German

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