Au Pair in France – Oh la là, la France!

Learn more about how to become an au pair in France and let your French adventure start today. We tell you more about the requirements for becoming an au pair in France.

Au Pair in France – At A Glance

  • Age: Between 18 and 30 years old
  • Duration of Stay: A minimum of 3 months (Summer Au Pair: starting in May/June); usually 6-12 months; a maximum of 18 months
  • Working Hours: Around 30 hours a week; up to 5 hours a day
  • Holidays: One week of paid vacation per 6 months (two weeks per year)
  • Travel Expenses: You travel at your own expenses
  • Insurance: Same as in your (European!) home country + French Social Security
  • Pocket Money: a minimum of 280 euro per month
  • Visa Requirements: No visa needed for citizens of an EU country; citizens of a non-EU country need to apply for a “visa long séjour mention étudiant”

Can I become an au pair in France?

You need to fulfill certain requirements to become an au pair in France:

  • You are between 17 and 30 years old
  • You don’t smoke
  • You are in good health
  • A driving license and experience in childcare will always be a plus

What are my duties as an au pair in France?

Your main duty, if you live and work as an au pair in France, will be to take care of the children of your host family. Therefore, it is important that you have some experience in childcare before your departure and that you love to spend time with your host children.

Your tasks and responsibilities will depend on your host family’s needs and differ according to what they expect from you. Your tasks will also depend on your host children’s age.

An au pair in France usually works 30 hours per week and up to 5 hours a day. Your host family might also ask you to watch the children for up to two evenings per week.

Visa Requirements

Visa requirements vary depending on whether you are a citizen of the EU or a non-EU country.

Citizens of an EU country do not need a visa to work as an Au Pair in France. If you are a citizen of the EU, it is sufficient for you to enter on your identification card or passport. Make sure that your ID card/passport is valid during the entire period of your stay.

If you are a citizen from outside of the EU, you need to apply for a visa to be able to work as an Au Pair in France. The visa you need to apply for is a so called “visa long séjour mention étudiant”. Make sure that your ID card/passport is valid for the entire time you live as an Au Pair in France.

How much pocket money will I get?

Weekly Working Hours Paid Weekly? Weekly Pocket Money
Around 30 hours per week Yes Around 80€

You will receive a weekly pocket money of around 80€. Ask your Host Family beforehand how much pocket money you will get. The amount should also be expressed in the contract which you and your hosts sign (the contract forms an important document if you want to become an Au Pair in France).

In addition to your weekly pocket money, your host family will provide you with free board and lodge. This means that they provide a room in their house for you, which is free of charge. You will also take your meals with them.

Insurance of an Au Pair in France

As already mentioned above, your host family needs to register you as a “stagiaire aide familial étranger” with the local URSSAF. They cover the monthly contributions for your health insurance and social security. You do not need to pay for any of the contributions yourself.

Every au pair in France needs to obtain a social security number so that they are covered by the French social security should they get sick, have an accident or in the case of maternity. That is also the reason why your Host Family needs to register you with the local URSSAF. In addition to that, they need to register you with their local CPAM (Caisse Primaire d’Assurance Maladie). Once you are registered, you are eligible to claim all the Social Security benefits.

However, it is advisable to also take out an individual health and accident insurance in addition. Also, ask your Host Family if they extend their general liability insurance to you.

This post is also available in: German

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