Create your Au Pair movie and share it with us!

Sometimes we regret that we haven’t taken pictures of a nice place or a great moment with friends, travelling or doing something that will be stuck in our memories forever. People we will not see again and unique moments we would like to freeze or repeat once and again. But what if you could summarize your whole au pair experience in a movie where you and your friends will be the stars?

Create YOUR own movie!

If you would like to share your au pair adventure with your friends back home, with your family, with us or you would just want to have it to watch it at home every time you feel like remembering a great time, don’t hesitate to film some moments in order to create your own au pair movie. Summer nights out with friends, shopping days, playing time with the children, short trips with your Host Family, tourist time getting lost in the city or Au Pair meetings… Every single moment will make a difference once you are living abroad; there is no day where you won’t be experiencing something new: a new place, a new bar, new faces, funny new accents, new habits and new feelings while discovering the new you. You can also make us jealous by showing the area where you are spending (or have spent) your au pairing time.

Imagine how it would be like if different au pairs would record their experience and would share their videos with us from all over the world. You could make a creative movie by adding some music and highlighting the best moments of your stay. Introduce yourseld and your host family in the video and let the world know this experience is worth it!

Are you willing to share your movie with us? Do not hesitate to send it to, share it with our users on Facebook ( or posting it on any of our au pair sites. Real stories is what matters and our users will be glad to watch and enjoy your au pair movie.

So take your camera with you, set your imagination free and  1,2,3… Action!

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