Video Contest: Participate now!

Where do you live? What do you like about it? Introduce us to your life abroad! Record a video for us!
If you are lucky, you may also win 100 €!

Who can participate?

All au pairs and nannies that are staying with a host family in another country and that are willing to show us their favorite spots in their new hometown.

What should be included in the video?

We are really flexible and totally open to great, innovative ideas! Show us your favorite places, what you love to do in your free time and everything that is important to you. Record yourself, add pictures or music. Do whatever you like!

The video should not be longer than 2 minutes and should be in English.

What’s the next step?

Once you have recorded your video, you can upload it on Vimeo or Youtube and send us the link. You don’t need to have a professional camera, only a great imagination and a bit of talent to make something out of it! Use a camera, smartphones or any devices that is able to make videos!

Check out our video on Facebook to get inspiration!

Cologne (Germany)

The price?

Among all the videos our au pair community will select one of them to be the winner. Win 100€!

By sharing your video with us,  you will give the right to use it on any of the company’s domains, as well as to share it on any of our international Facebook sites.

Our winner will be chosen in a public voting on Facebook once all videos have been posted. If your video has most of the likes, you are our winner!

Important: all participants are responsible for ensuring their unlimited exploitation rights of the shared material (images, music, etc.). Should a third person owe any part of the material, will not be held responsible. 

Any material that contains violent, discriminative or pornographic content will not be accepted.

Who gets my video?

Send us the link to your video to until the 30.07.2016. The winning video will be posted on our Facebook site at the beginning of August.

Please add your name, your age and the name of the city and country you are living your Au Pair experience in.

Send us your video and share your Au Pair experience with our community! 

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