Au Pair News – November 2015

Only one month til Christmas. Today we give you many important information.

    • Your Au Pair Contract
    • Why Agent Au Pair for your USA Au Pair Experience
    • Casey’s Trip Through the Netherlands!
    • Switching Host Families
    • How to avoid scammers
    • Au Pair Photo Contest

Your Au Pair Contract!

You have found a host family, now what? Once you and your host family have connected and decided to move forward with being their new Au Pair, the next step is to complete your Au Pair Contract. Before you sign it, make sure you have taken the time to read through it and have suggestions for the terms you and your host family will be going over while completing the contract; such as your length of stay, how much pocket money per week, duties, etc.

Read more about your Au Pair Contract!

Why Agent Au Pair for Your Trip to the USA!

Agent Au Pair is a government-designated Au Pair program that was established in 2003. Since then, they have been dedicated to sponsoring legal J-1 Au Pair programs to qualify Au Pairs who wish to work in the USA. There are many benefits to participating in a program such as Agent Au Pair, click HERE to learn more!

Get Started and become an Au Pair in the USA!


Au Pair Abroad- Casey’s Trip Through the Netherlands!

After spending time during her senior year studying abroad, Casey immediately knew she was bit by the travel bug and started searching for another program to go on. She soon found GeoVisions, an Au Pair program that changed her life!

Casey’s Story!

Switching Host Families

When you arrive to your host family, things might not go as expected or may not be what you thought they would be. Do not fret though, this may be the result of homesickness, or a language barrier or maybe you and the family haven’t fully adjusted. Whatever it may be, you and your host family need to talk out any issues and what could be the cause of it. Your sponsoring program is there to help with every step to ensure you enjoy every minute of your program and stay.

Advice On switching your host family

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How to Protect Yourself Against Scammers

During your search to find a Host Family, you may run into a situation that seems “too good to be true” or your gut tells you that something is off about the message you received. There are people who will go on websites and pretend to be a family looking for an Au Pair and are only on to scam you. Not to worry though, there are tips and tricks we have for you to avoid being scammed and if you ever feel like you want a second opinion, do not hesitate to reach out and ask us to look into them! 

Tips To Avoid Scammers!

A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words!

Share your story not by using words, but by a picture that captures your experience as an Au Pair or an Au Pair Host Family. Enter our photo contest and share your pictures to win! 

Screen Shot 2015-10-07 at 11.56.07 AMEnter The Contest!

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