Category: News

Au Pair Agencies vs. Au Pair Matching Platforms

Many au pair agencies advertise on the internet with positive reviews and glossy brochures. It is important to make comparisons and to see who is actually behind them. Basically we have two types of agencies: Full-Service and matching agencies. Matching agencies… …offer a great selection of au pairs and host families. You can register for free and […]

How to become an Au Pair in 10 Easy Steps

Would you like to find out how to become an au pair? You are ready to fulfill all duties and responsibilities of an au pair? You have informed yourself on the visa requirements of your ideal host country and made sure that you meet these? To become an au pair you need to find a host family […]

Become an Au Pair and Live an Exciting Experience Abroad

You just graduated but don’t want to go to university right away? You are still looking for the perfect life experience abroad? Become an Au Pair! If you are asking yourself: “Should I be an Au Pair?”, the following text can give you an answer to your question. It will address questions like “What is […]

Au Pair for Elderly – Senior Caregiver

Sometimes it is not just families with children that are looking for an au pair, but also families with a grandpa or grandma that needs some help with daily tasks. Maybe it is only about cooking for an older person or not being alone all day, sometimes the caregiver needs to help this person with […]

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