Au Pair in China – a new experience in Asia

Au Pair in China is a very new program and more and more young people choose the country as their target au pair destination.

Au Pair in China – At a Glance

    • Age: 18-29 years old
    • Chinese lessons: 8-10/week
    • Duration of Stay: a minimum of 3 months and a maxium of 6-12 months
    • Working Hours: 25-35 working/week
    • Pocket Money: 750 to 2000 RMB
    • Travel Expenses: airfare reimbursement up to 5000 RMB
    • Insurance: International Insurance

Requirements for becoming an Au Pair in China

If you would like to become an au pair in China, you should make sure you fulfill the following requirements:

  • I speak a little bit of Chinese or have a good command of English
  • I’m at least 18 years old
  • I’m healthy and I don’t smoke
  • I don’t have my own children and I’m not married

Your duties and responsibilites as Au Pair in China

Although the au pair in China program is not official, you can get a student visa (F Visa) or an exchange visitor visa (X Visa) to work as an au pair in the country. You will have plenty of time to attend a language school as Chinese children usually attend to different activities after school. Furthermore, Chinese families do normally not have more than one child so you might have a pretty flexible timetable.

Most Chinese families want their au pair to teach their children a new language and play with them so they will be your main duties. Don’t forget to write everything in the contract and make sure you agree with everything before you sign it.

Visa requirements for au pairs in China

F-Visa Foreigners who are invited to come to China for a cultural exchange, language course, business tour or a visit. You will need an invitation letter/ Au Pair contract in order to apply for it.
Validity: 6 months
X-Visa Foreigners coming to China to study, to do an internship or participate in a different kind of course.

If you would like to work in China as an Au Pair don’t forget to check what kind of visa you need in order to get all the documentantion on time. Check here for further information.

The pocket money of an au pair

Apart from providing you accomodation the family will pay you a certain amount of pocket money which varies from family to family and depends on the family’s needs and where they live. You will earn more in a big city than in a small town, but big cities are usually more expensive. The currency in China is Renminbi (also known as Yuan). In order for you to get an idea of what you can expect to earn, au pair wages in China are from 750 to 2300 RMB (ca. 90€ – 275€ resp. 123$-370$).

Insurance of an au pair in in China

You should discuss with your family all the important information about your stay as an au pair; this includes the medical insurance. You should get all the information about that matter before you go to China.

This post is also available in: German

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