3 Ways to Find Your Au Pair or Host Family

AuPair.net provides you with the most important information on the Au Pair programs and the whole Au Pair experience. The site also offers further tips for Au Pairs and Host Families in order to make sure your adventure will be unforgettable.

Host Families – Find your perfect Au Pair

  • 3 Ways to find an Au Pair
  • What is the Au Pair childcare and what are its benefits?

Au Pairs – How to Become an Au Pair

  • 3 Ways to find a host family
  • What does it mean to be an Au Pair and what are its advantages?

Whether your family is in need of assistance with child care or you would like to become an Au Pair abroad, you have landed in the right place!

Hosting an Au Pair is a great solution for those busy parents who are looking after a flexible babysitter that perfectly adapts to their specific needs. A live-in Au Pair will adapt to your working hours and your children won’t need to leave their environment; furthermore, your kids will get used to the Au Pair in a short time by having him/her around and the lack of trust will disappear after a few days.

For those who would love to join a native family abroad in order to discover a new culture and a differtn

For those with a love for children, Au Pair jobs are often particularly appealing. The opportunity to become an Au Pair will mean that it’s possible to experience a completely different way of life.
Those who have found placements as Au Pairs in, for instance, America have found that their lives have often been transformed.

Au Pair wages clearly vary from one situation to the next, but becoming part of the family means that your own costs are likely to be seriously reduced. Most agencies will offer guidance, for example on the level of wages that you can expect to receive.

Here at AuPair.net, we include reports of the experiences of Au Pairs and families from all over the world. We strongly believe that sharing such information will ensure that interested families and Au Pairs are able to get an insight into what it means to be or host an Au Pair.

Within the pages of our site, you’ll find information on typical Au Pair costs for those attempting to hire an Au Pair in America, Australia, England and elsewhere in the world.
We appreciate that you need to find the right person, with the AuPair cost that’s still reasonable for your family.

Find an Au Pair or a Host Family

You can find your Au Pair/host family through a matching agency like AuPair.com or through a local agency with offers you a full-service.


  • 1. With a matching agency



  • Au Pairs and host families control the process by themselves and make their own choices
  • Great selection of profiles
  • Good price-performance ratio

  • Au Pairs / Host families are responsible for visa and other paperwork
  • For getting the J-1 Visa in the USA, an agency has to be involved



  • 2. With a local agency (full-service agency)



    • Experienced agency, who will find suitable matching between Au Pairs and Host Families
    • Good consultancy about all AuPair topics
    • Help/support  to get a J-1 Visa
    • Help in cases of problems between host family and Au Pair before and after the arrival
    • Organization of meetings for AuPairs
    • An agency is required for becoming an AuPair in America legally

    • High Price
    • Small selection of host families and Au Pairs. In cases that the Au Pair has to leave the family at short notice, the agency could get problems in finding a new match quickly








  •   3. Mixed Placement

Find an AuPair/host family with your online agency like AuPair.com and use the service of a local agency for visa and all other paperwork. Some of the local agencies offer such tariffs which include full support service during the Au Pair stay.
Some of those agencies organize regular meetings for Au Pairs, which are a great opportunity to meet new Au Pairs and share your experiences.


  • Au Pairs and host families control the process by themselves and make their own choices
  • Great selection of profiles
  • Experienced agency, who will find suitable matchings between AuPairs and host families
  • Good consultancy about all AuPair topics
  • Usually Visa service (if needed)
  • Help in cases of problems between host family and Au Pair before and after the arrival
  • Organization of meetings for Au Pairs



This post is also available in: German

2 thoughts on “3 Ways to Find Your Au Pair or Host Family

  1. Area Alonso says:

    Hi Abror! Have you registered with AuPair.com? You can create a profile for free and start looking for Host Families fulfilling your searching criteria. By becoming a Premium Member you will get to contact Host Families for 70 days, don’t miss the opportunity!

  2. Area Alonso says:

    Thank you! If you are looking for any extra information on the Au Pair stay, you should also check AuPair.com, the online platform where Host Families and Au Pairs get to find each other.

    Kind regards

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