Au Pair Platforms vs. Facebook – A Security Matter

Facebook connects people from all around the world. We can add friends and meet new friends, we can join groups and create a page about our lives, blogs, projects or bands. Social Media platforms give us the chance to connect us with people that are like us, that are looking for the same or have […]

Finding Love As An Au Pair In Another Country

by Mona Briese Sometimes love just happens. You don’t expect it and then there is this one person that makes you all nervous and shaky. Maybe you go out one night and there he or she is. The one who makes you speachless, the one that is so amazing and beautiful that you forget everything […]

Let us introduce ourselves is the platform where future, current and former au pairs can meet! Our main interest is to help you to get the best from your au pair experience that’s why we talk about topics and things that are interesting for you. We’re as curious as you are about questions like where to go to […]

Au Pair News – October 2016

Au Pair News – October 2016 Happy October, dear au pairs! This is up this month: Au Pair program in France, Italy, New Zealand and More! Top 5 Reason to be an Au Pair in France Au Pair Visa What To Bring Au Pair In… Becoming an au pair is more than just work, it is […]

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