The World’s #1 Favorite Au Pair Country is…

Hundreds of au pairs from across the globe participated in our survey to determine the World’s #1 Favorite Au Pair Country.

The poll was conducted during the month of May 2015 and included au pairs that have registered with or among our Facebook fans.  The results are not what we expected!

Final Results

The winner is the United Kingdom!

The United Kingdom received 20% of the total votes and was followed by the USA and Australia. Italy and Canada rounded out the Top 5.  Here are the complete results:

Favorite Country
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Primary Language

Countries where English is the primary language received 61% of the total votes. The majority of au pairs selecting a native English speaking country are seeking to improve their language skills through an immersion experience.

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Geographical Region

Europe was the most popular regional destination, as it received 55% of the votes. North America (USA & Canada) and Oceania (Australia) were the next most popular destinations.

Favorite Region
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In summary, these results provide additional support to the educational aspects of the au pair program, which allows participants to acquire language and career skills, while they provide child care support to their host families. English is by far the most popular language and au pairs are most interested in being an au pair where English is the primary language spoken. We believe the popularity of au pair programs in native English speaking countries is related to broader international education trends that also support this data. Below is a data table which details the results mentioned above:

Favorite Country Data Tables
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We would to thank our friends at Questback for assisting with data collection and analysis. Questback is a leading provider of survey collection and feedback management solutions. Questback serves thousands of customers in more than 50 countries and has launched more than 1 billion online surveys. To learn more about Questback, visit:

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